Why fear the unknown...when you can embrace it?

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Gravity Room


Gravity Room Profile

Gravity Roomにはいろんなものが集まってきます。私たちが重力によって地球に引っ張られているように・・そしてこの世界をいろいろな方法で冒険するのが、Gravity Roomのプロジェクトです。音楽、写真、動画、言葉、など。過ぎ去っていくその瞬間を記録するツールが溢れている時代に感謝。

In Gravity Room, all things come together. Just as we are pulled toward the Earth by gravity itself... The Gravity Room project explores this world in a variety of ways. Through Music, Photos, Videos, Words… and more. It is a blessing and reminder that we have the tools to record the moments that are constantly passing away.

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Space hero
Space hero
Space hero
Space hero
Space hero
Space hero
Space hero
Space hero
Space hero
Space hero
Space hero
Space hero
Space hero
Space hero
Space hero
Space hero
Space hero
Space hero
Space hero
Space hero
Space hero
Space hero
Space hero
Space hero

A Look In Sacramento, California


City of treesと言われるサクラメントでは、ドライブ中たくさんの木のトンネルを走った。 州都ながらもほどよく都会で、今まで行ったアメリカとはまた違う経験ができた。 オールドサクラメントは、かわいい雰囲気で色んなお店があって、歩いてるだけで楽しい。

In Sacramento, which is known as the "City of Trees," I drove through many tree-lined tunnels. Though it’s the state capital, it has a balanced, not-too-urban feel, offering a different experience compared to other places in the U.S. Old Sacramento has a charming atmosphere with various shops, and just walking around is a lot of fun.

A Look In Krabi, Thailand



Krabi is a beach resort in Thailand. The blue of the sea around Phi Phi Islands is amazing! With the boundless sky, enormous rocks, and turquoise sea, every time I opened my eyes I couldn't help but think that perhaps this was one of the greatest arts of nature itself. The beachside café is a place I definitely want to visit again.

A Look In Hoi An, Vietnam



At night, lamps light up the entire town, creating a gentle and enchanting atmosphere. With Grab, you can go anywhere, but using a motorbike, just like the locals, allows you to feel even more of Hoi An.

Photo: Full Moon of Tokyo

Full Moon of Tokyo

大都会東京の夜を照らす満月。 眩しすぎる街の光より、優しくて強い満月の明かり。

The full moon lighting up the night of the bustling city of Tokyo. Its light is gentle and stronger than the dazzling city lights.

Photo: Golden Time

Golden Time

夜が来る少し前。 ライトブルーとライトピンクの空が、優しくて強い太陽のゴールドの光でいっぱいになるこの時間を、ゴールデンタイムと言います。

Just before night falls. This time, when the light blue and light pink sky fills with the gentle and strong golden light of the sun, is called the golden hour.

Photo: Night Diamonds

Night Diamonds

地球にはいろいろなダイヤモンド畑がある。 今の所知っているのは、暗い夜空に広がる星と、虹色の朝日を映す芝生の朝露と、遠くから眺める大都会の明かり。

There are various diamond fields on Earth. So far, what I know are the stars spreading across the dark night sky, the morning dew on the grass reflecting the rainbow-colored sunrise, and the lights of the big city viewed from afar.

Photo: Morning Glow

Morning Glow

朝の時間の使い方でその日が決まると思う。 美味しいコーヒーをゆっくり飲んだり、家族と笑ったり、少し外を散歩してみたり、思うように朝を過ごすこと。

I believe the way you spend your morning determines how the rest of the day will go. Sipping a delicious cup of coffee slowly, laughing with family, taking a little walk outside, and spending the morning in your own way.

Photo: Falling Yellow in Fall

Falling Yellow in Fall


When autumn arrives, you can feel the change in the air, but one of the things that makes you feel it’s autumn is when the park turns yellow.

Photo: Blue Gradation

Blue Gradation


A gradient made of many shades of blue. The sea here is calm, with only locals around, and it brings back memories of spending slow, peaceful moments.


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